Saturday, June 21, 2008

Are Delphi programmers a dying breed?

For some time now we are looking for new Delphi programmers in our company and were unsuccessful in finding any Dutch programmers. We hardly had any response to advertisements and posting on job sites.

Of course, when you start doing that, you are approached by outsourcing companies. One of those contacted me 'at the right time' and we did a small trial project (not in Delphi though) to see what is involved when outsourcing software. The results were mixed (speed was low and quality was ... well poor). The price is right though, so that makes one hesitate. But, I found with this particular company - as well as with other outsourcing companies that approachedme - that they all could offer Delphi programmers, but "would start looking for one once the project goes through". None of the companies that approached me had any inhouse Delphi programmers.

So, adding that up, no local Delphi programmers are available, and no outsourcing company (that I know off) have inhouse Delphi programmers.

We are seriously considering switching to C#/.NET although programmers in that field don't come by the dozens either :- But at least, there are some outsourcing companies out there that say that they can deliver good C# programmers.

It kind of feels to me like the days when I still was a Cobol programmer. That breed almost died, and of course as a contractor that made sure you got a good price for your work :-).

Will the Delphi programmers go the same way? What do you think?

And hey, while we're at it, if you know any affordable outsourcing company with inhouse Delphi programmers, please let me know.
