As you may know from my blog, we are pretty active on Surface. We develop and design for Surface and talk about it (a lot…). But, we are also trying to come up with some tagged objects, especially for Surface.
These objects (it is a photo of the real objects, not a render of their design) are tagged at the bottom so the Surface unit can detect which one is placed on the Surface unit.
These are trial objects, based on our company logo. We are evaluating the production process. E.g. we now know that the ‘neck’ of our logo is too fragile and we will have to redesign it to be more robust. Also, it is a bit too large to make a good object for the unit. But, we are learning along the way and I think the next batch with a bit of a redesigned object will be a lot better.
More designs will follow and these objects will be for sale. We are thinking of creating branch specific objects, but also some abstract, more versatile objects. They will have a fixed tag on the bottom (for now) which are routed out. There is no more need for that bit awkward sticker at the bottom of your object.
You will be able to buy these objects made from a synthetic material. They are solid though and feel pretty robust. You will be able to order these in wood, which will be hand made (and will have a higher price and a longer delivery time of course). We haven’t set the price yet, but they will be reasonably priced.
If you have any thought on this (suggestions for designs, material, otherwise) please let me know at