If you are a DevExpress user, like me, you will use TdxBarManager instead of any of the standard Delphi controls that are available. I can imagine that CodeGear doesn't invest anything in (any of) the user interface controls with such many excellent alternatives around.
I am a VCL component developer too (for internal use that is). Most of those controls go with an ActionList for it's functions. The end user can access the functions using (amongst other things) a TToolbar. And one thing that I had not done (until today) is to replace the TToolbar component that I was using for toolbars that are part of the controls.
Now, I might be alone on this, but I think that TToolbar is one of the worst components that is in the standard package. It behaves irratically and configuring at runtime (as I do in my controls) is really a pain. Some years ago I created a subclass that kind of worked ok. But I never was happy with it.
This weekend I took it upon me to integrate the TdxBarManager into the current set of UI controls. The solution took me a bit of work, but I think that how I did might benefit others. So, I've created a demo project that demonstrates how you can use the TdxBarManager as a toolbar as part of your own UI VCL controls.
Unzip, compile the package, install it and run the demo program. That should do it.
If you have any questions, just mail me.
These examples are just a proof of concept and you will need to do some work on it to get it going. My actual code is a bit more complex than this. I might have forgotten something or made some typos.