Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twitter to the rescue

Since I can remember I am annoyed by the site It might hold good information, but I just don't like the idea that people are making money the way they do. Might be my tight Dutch ass, but there you have it.
So, I mentioned this on Twitter and, voila, @bruljaap came to the rescue with a link that solved it.

How to exclude a domain from your google search results:

Thanks Jaap.

You can now search Google, exclude, using the Bart's search on my blog. It not only excludes expert-echange, but also favors

You can make the search engine the default in Google chrome by adding the following URL as a search engine using the options:

I'm sure you can create a search provider for Internet Explorer the same way (but I'm really becoming a Chrome addict lately so I will dig into that later).

Hope this helps.
