Friday, June 27, 2008

The Darwin Race of Languages - part 3

The first sponsor has offered to come up with a price. GurockSoftware will kindly offer a license to SmartInspect as a prize for the race. I'm in contact with a couple of other companies out there. If you are a company that has products suitable for Delphi as well as/or for Visual Studio or any of the other IDEs out there, this might be a good time to have some cheap publicity.

To reassure any of the companies that are thinking of sponsoring: this is not a bashing contest. It's about getting and sharing real life experiences writing software. Taking away the basing of a product just because you think it's bad, is just exactly what started this little contest. Any bashing through comments or otherwise won't get published on the website.

So, if you are still thinking about it, maybe this little notice will help :-)


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