Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The first multi clipboard utility is in...

Yogi Yang was the first to come up with a result in the Darwin Race of Languages. He used Visual Basic to implement a multi clipboard utility that you can go and check out from the darwin site. IMHO I think this is a very usefull implementation. Go and check it out. In a weeks time the results of the others are in and you get the chance of voting for the winner in the race.

Yogi is till thinking about making the sources available, but for now you can go and have a look at the end result.



Anonymous said...

Hi Bart,

It would be great to see some screenshots of the developed utilities in order to check them out without installing them.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

Bart Roozendaal said...

Good point: will do. I'll be updating the website soon.