Thursday, August 07, 2008

FinalBuilder it is...

As reported yesterday I was experiencing problems with AutomatedBuildStudio. With a little pain in my heart, but in the end with great relief I can tell you that I decided to switch to FinalBuilder.

The pain is caused by the memory of some great experiences with ABS. So I feel a little sad to leave them. But, to my joy I was up and running (for the project that gave me problems for the last week) in about 10 minutes (really!) time with FinalBuilder. I can't tell yet if it's quicker/better/easier to use than ABS, but the fact is that I now have an automated build script for one of my main products in just a couple of minutes time. With almost all the things in there that I want (I will have to tweak it here and there to do some script based automated things).

So, yes, it's a joy to say: I'm in the FinalBuilder camp too.

Thanks to everyone responding to my previous post about this. It really helped to make the decision to move over.



Chris Miller said...

I missed your previous post, but I think you'll be very happy with FinalBuilder. I've been using it for a couple of years now and it works great. Their support has always been prompt and top notch.

Olaf Monien said...

I don't think FinalBuild will disappoint you. I'm a long time FB user and I was able to get it do all the jobs I wanted.
There are many scripting options, so you should be able to "tweak" whereever you want.
There is even an "Action Studio" if you need to implement your own actions - in the case you find something which has no FB action yet ...