Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Now, who would be the best Delphi programmer?

Would that be Obama, or would it be McCain? I think Nader, as an independent, would be the best choice.

Ok, so I’ve got to make this a more interesting posting. Here goes one attempt.

If you would go for McCain, you’ve got an oldy with a lot of experience (much like myself I might add). You would probably get an excellent programmer, but not going beyond the possibilities of the VCL. He would stick to the VCL, maybe buy a component pack or two, but the single EXE would be his target. He’s heard of webservices and code injection, but doesn’t really know what it means. He just manages to get a setup program out (of course using Installshield, not writing something himself). The freakiest thing he does, is implement skinning using DevExpress.

Now, when you look at Obama, he probably would write his own VCL components from scratch. While programming he would have a couple of visions in sight. The client should be satisfied, but maybe the components are good enough to sell later on to another client. He’d keep his eyes open to other platforms all the time, but would stick to Delphi as his primary development tool. Unless, there is some major upset. Then, after careful deliberation, he would drop Delphi. The first attempt will be with a couple of softening arguments, but when there is another upset, it’s out with the tool all together. The end result would be a set of well designed components, all working together on various levels. Of course, one component can crash, but that’s all part of the development strategy. The one that crashes, is out of the door and the next one can be developed.

And Nader? Well, of course he would stick to using Smalltalk. All very well designed, but commercially not very viable.

So, go for it. Where do I go wrong? Make my day!


(just a day off, as you probably can tell :-)


Anonymous said...
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Bruce McGee said...

Combining political (on election day, no less) and programming (potentially religious) topics into a single question? Here's hoping the blog doesn't implode. :)

We'd need more information to know who would be the better programmer. Genius lurks in us all. Particularly if they are all choosing Delphi.

The real question; Who would you rather work with?

Anonymous said...

It would be Obama. Just look at this:

Anonymous said...

Obama of course. 'The other' may have experience in some (unimportant?!) fields but made a false campaign imho and afaik not even uses email. Reminds me my grandpa who didn't know how to get a ticket from the machine. - Listen to younger folk I'd say and I really wonder that this is even a question and that the polls are so close.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry but that post is stupid.
Keep blogging about delphi & co please.

Bill CLinton

Anonymous said...

Neither one!

Anonymous said...

As you might know, and might not know .. Most people in the World live outside the USA ..

Did you knew that ? Have you ever been outsite USA ? In Europe fx ?

Who would make the pest c# programmer Anders Fogh Rasmussen og Helle Thorning Smith or perhaps you would put your money on the "outsiters" like Pia or some one from SF ?

Well if all this does nok make any sense for you then it is because you do not know much about the Danish political scene ...

IN short blok about Delphi .. Keep political views out of this ...

Jens Borrisholt

Anonymous said...

That's easy - me

Anonymous said...

Ralph Nader is better suited to turing complete, but anarchistic languages like Intercal or Brainfuck.
That leaves Delphi for either McCain or Obama. McCain start of his working carreer predates the Delphi language by to many years. He's probably still doing ALGOL, COBOL or maybe Fortran. That leaves Obama, who has a fair chance to have experienced some pascal during his studies. ;)



Anonymous said...

Ralph Nader is better suited to turing complete, but anarchistic languages like Intercal or Brainfuck.
That leaves Delphi for either McCain or Obama. McCain start of his working carreer predates the Delphi language by to many years. He's probably still doing ALGOL, COBOL or maybe Fortran. That leaves Obama, who has a fair chance to have experienced some pascal during his studies. ;)