Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Progress on the Surface unit

The title might give you the idea that there’s any. Well there is, sort of. I haven’t done any development lately, partly because there’s a lot of other stuff to do, but also because we had a lot of visitors coming to peek at the Surface unit.

Besides all that it is, it is also a very good marketing instrument for our company. Simply having it make the crowds turn up. And if we show the small examples on it that we have, probably convinces people already.

We now have two developers working on it full time (that also is a reason for me not to really press for development time on it for myself). One of them will be working on a Concierge-like program (using a map to display information about buildings) and the other will be working on moving stuff around on a 2D-map of a building, calculating all kinds of things doing that.

I will be focusing on marketing and finding business partners for the development on the Surface unit.

So, if you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact me.



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