Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twitter to the rescue

Since I can remember I am annoyed by the site It might hold good information, but I just don't like the idea that people are making money the way they do. Might be my tight Dutch ass, but there you have it.
So, I mentioned this on Twitter and, voila, @bruljaap came to the rescue with a link that solved it.

How to exclude a domain from your google search results:

Thanks Jaap.

You can now search Google, exclude, using the Bart's search on my blog. It not only excludes expert-echange, but also favors

You can make the search engine the default in Google chrome by adding the following URL as a search engine using the options:

I'm sure you can create a search provider for Internet Explorer the same way (but I'm really becoming a Chrome addict lately so I will dig into that later).

Hope this helps.



Pradeep said...

Me too felt bad about the money oriented info sharing idea of expert exchange. I'm sure that they can not sustain like that for long.

Anonymous said...

If you scroll to the very bottom of the page, you'll still see the answers. That's the way I use it.

Anonymous said...

as a long year ee member i was very annoyed by the way the changed their policy. but i'm using the "scroll down to see the results" and now they are ok again ;-)

Anonymous said...

Why do people even use it? There are so many specialized sites. I couldn't be bothered to even register on such sites.

Thanks for the tip!