Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Upgrading user interface

In the upcoming release 6 of our engine we have added a couple of nice features. E.g. we are introducing a flowchart module which will help you describe business processes and work flows.

But, one of the other things that will be visible immediately, are our new icons. Over time the icon set that we use has become, to put it mildly, a bit out of sink. Icons were designed by different visual designers, I 'borrowed' from Office; you know how it goes.

We decided to go through the entire interface and replace all icons with icons that can be found here:


This is a free, yet professional set of icons that is used quite regularly. It holds about 80% of the icons that we need. The missing icons will be in the style of the famfam icons.

We also implemented the skinning engine by DevExpress. Although it doesn't make the software any better, it is always nice to have a good looking interface. And the end user can now select from 20 different themes to give the software a bit of a personal look.

Btw: the famfam icons are PNG images. I used the TcxImageList of DevExpress to use those. That gives a much better visual appearance than the good old icons that we all know.

Bye for now,


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